Habit Building Apps for Your New Year’s Resolutions

Habit Building Apps for Your New Year’s Resolutions

While achieving genuine success won’t lie in how many apps you install or how many self-help books you read, having access to the right tools sure can help.

In a perfect world, we’d carry endless reserves of willpower and energy, as well as have perfect memory to keep track of all the things we need to do. Unfortunately, most of us don’t have these droid-like qualities. We’re still highly dependent on external tools so that we can count on ourselves to get things done—not excluding the ever elusive new year’s resolution.

Mercifully, many of the tools we need can fit right into our back pocket. Our smart phones have access to powerful apps that can swiftly aid us in our quest for healthier habits and improved productivity. Let’s look at a few of the most promising ones.

Tide (Timer)

Relevant resolutions: reading, deep work, quiet time, sleeping early
App price: free

While many of us have native timer apps on our phones, Tide is a great alternative to your usual timer. Part Pomodoro timer and part ambient noise generator, the app helps you keep track of how much time you’re spending on a task, as well as listen to pleasing white noise that blocks out all sorts of distraction (e.g. the sound of rain, beach waves, birds chirping).

Tide is particularly useful when you need to deeply focus on a task for a certain period of time, or when you simply want to listen to the calming sounds of nature for a moment of respite.

Habitshare (Habit Tracker and Alarm)

Relevant resolutions: exercise, dieting, hydration, tech fast
App price: free

Habits require consistency. And you can’t build a habit if you don’t remember to do it. Thankfully, Habitshare can both track how often you actually do your desired habits and remind you when you need to do them.

Habitshare also features a social feature where you can invite friends to track your progress and help them track their progress as well. That extra measure of accountability might just lock your most stubborn resolution in its place. And you could help a friend or two.

(Related Post: Why Our Habits Matter)

Freedom (Website and App Blocker)

Relevant resolutions: reading, tech fasting, media fasting, sleeping early
Price: $2.42 /month, free trial available
Available on Mac and Windows computers

For many of us, the biggest obstacle to achieving our goals and getting things done is—yep, you guessed it—the Internet. We could get so much more done if Netflix and Instagram weren’t just a few taps away. Though you could always go cold turkey by deleting all your apps and avoiding the Internet as much as possible, there’s a much less nuclear option.

Freedom does exactly what it says it does. It blocks any websites and apps that you find too distracting when you’re in the middle of doing important tasks.  Simply schedule your browsing hours and identify your rabbit hole, then your device will do all the regulation for you. Now you’ll actually have enough time and attention to get that workout in, and you’ll still be able to enjoy yourself on the Internet when you’ve actually got the resources to spare.

Evernote (Notes and Website Capture)

Relevant resolutions: reading, dieting, cooking
App price: free, premium options available
Available on Mac and Windows computers; web version available

Evernote is the note taking and archiving app that many professionals swear by. Not only can you create custom notebooks out of the notes you yourself have written, you can also save entire webpages for your personal reference any time.

Don’t underestimate the power of note taking and data collection. Create to-buy lists and reading lists. Archive interesting recipes and helpful articles. Keep and record valuable information when you spot it.

These apps are only a few of the many habit building tools out there, but there’s no pressure to look for the absolute best app for our purposes. Whether we’re seeking help analog or digital tools, we only need to look for something that works. And if these tools can help live even marginally better lives, we’re already pretty lucky with them.

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Patricia Tancongco

Trisha is an organizing consultant and graphic designer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. In her spare time, she writes about decluttering and organizing on the Aliwalas blog.