Marie Kondo’s Netflix Show Premieres on New Year’s Day

Marie Kondo’s Netflix Show Premieres on New Year’s Day

Decluttering hopefuls and veterans everywhere, rejoice! Professional organizing consultant Marie Kondo is launching her new show entitled “Tidying Up” this January 1st. On the show, she’ll be doing exactly what she does best—helping others choose what truly sparks joy and discarding the rest.

If you aren’t familiar with the name Marie Kondo, you might be familiar with the title of her immensely popular book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.” In it, she describes her tried-and-tested KonMari method of decluttering and organizing a space.

The method proved to be so successful that she was essentially forced to write an entire book on decluttering, because her schedule could no longer accommodate new clients (unless they were willing to wait half a year). And well, the rest was history.

(Related Post: Why the KonMari Method Works )

But the popularity of the KonMari method doesn’t stop there. Thousands upon thousands of articles and social media posts bear the #KonMari hashtag. Her name is regularly used and understood as a verb (e.g. “I’ve Kondoed my entire house!”). There are even those who proudly call themselves #KonVerts, who have started podcasts and whole online communities dedicated to choosing only what sparks joy.

Whatever your opinion is regarding this decluttering craze, one thing’s for sure: Marie Kondo battling piles and piles of clutter will make for great entertainment.

Patricia Tancongco

Trisha is an organizing consultant and graphic designer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. In her spare time, she writes about decluttering and organizing on the Aliwalas blog.