Out of Sight, Out of Mind: How to Pull It Off Without Going Crazy (Part 2 of 2)

Out of Sight, Out of Mind: How to Pull It Off Without Going Crazy (Part 2 of 2)

Okay, so we kind of understand how the principle of “out of sight, out of mind” works. And when it comes to decluttering and organizing our spaces, it seems easy enough to execute. We just have to hide the items that make us feel stressed, right?

Well, not exactly.

There are a few things you might want to consider before jumping the gun, so here are some practical tips when it comes to stashing away unnecessary or unsightly items.

Keep track of where you stash the item

Those too eager to reap the benefits of “outer order, inner calm” have a tendency to hide items thoughtlessly—most often in junk drawers or plastic bins of random stuff. Sure, the clutter free space will keep you happy for a while. But when you finally need the item you indiscriminately stashed away, you’re going to wish you had thought to place the item in a more distinct and memorable spot.

Stash the items near where you plan to use them

Another mistake people make is stashing unsightly items far away from the place they will be used most frequently. Keeping all your scissors together may seem like a good idea. But when your office is three minutes away from the kitchen drawer, it’ll take you another three minutes to return the thing where it came from when you’re done. Still need to get back to your office? That’s nine minutes of your life. When appropriate, consider organizing items by activity (e.g. baking, exercising, paying bills) instead of specific item categories (e.g. keeping all your alarm clocks together).

Dispose of the things you don’t actually need or want

When you decide that a thing deserves to be put out of sight and mind, it might be helpful to ask whether it’s appropriate to hide the item at all. Your desire to put a thing out of sight might be indicative of a desire to get rid of it completely. Send the item straight to the trash or a donation bin once you’re sure you no longer need it.

Read Out of Sight, Out of Mind (Part 1) here.

Patricia Tancongco

Trisha is an organizing consultant and graphic designer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. In her spare time, she writes about decluttering and organizing on the Aliwalas blog.