The Only Password Hack You’ll Ever Need

The Only Password Hack You’ll Ever Need

Passwords are the keys that open the door to our digital lives. Naturally, we want to keep those keys with us at all times while making sure no else gets ahold them. Though password managers are generally useful and sufficient for keeping our passwords safe, having to access them can still be mildly frustrating when we’re in the thick of trying to get things done. So if you’re in the market for a new password management system, you’re in luck.

Here’s one (slightly edited) solution from best-selling author and productivity consultant Chris Bailey that will keep your passwords in order—create a password formula

Creating a formula will only require you to remember the one formula instead of a bunch of individual passwords. (If you’ve ever tried to log in with a variety of passwords only to be shut down by the website you were trying to get into, welcome to the club.)

Use your very own password hack

Try using the following formula for your next Internet account, or go on a password-changing when you have a good chuck of time on your hands.

  1. First, think of a word or phrase you’ll never forget. The more obscure and the more personal to you, the better. It’s best not to use any personal data that can be looked up online (e.g. your name or birthday).
  2. Replace as many letters as you can with numbers. Always a classic move.
  3. Add any symbol anywhere, or more if you can remember it. 
    • Now, take note of what you have so far. What you’re looking at is your password base.
  4. Lastly, to avoid duplicate passwords, append or prepend) any one of the following suggestions to your password base:
    • The first (or last) three letters or the platform you’re signing up for, then replace letters with numbers or symbols (maybe even scramble them up, if desired
    • The first (or last) three letters or the platform you’re signing up for, but reversed, then replace letters with numbers or symbols, if desired

Here’s the formula working it’s magic:

  • Step 1: The Black Wind Howls
  • Step 2: Th3Bl4ckW1ndH0wl5
  • Step 3: Th3Bl4ckW1ndH0wl5&* (base password)
  • Step 4A: Th3Bl4ckW1ndH0wl5&*koo
  • Step 4B: Th3Bl4ckW1ndH0wl5&*k00 (final password)

Pro-tip: Be prepared for anything! Create a similar (or totally different) formula for older sites that might ask you to update your password occasionally.

(Related Post: Declutter and Organize Your Mac (Instantly) with Automator)

Commit it to memory

That said, feel free to make your own unique variation of this formula to make it even more secure and memorable. Refer to this list of best password practices, while you’re at it. Just make sure to remember your own formula and you’ll be a lot better off than most other people. Cheers!

Patricia Tancongco

Trisha is an organizing consultant and graphic designer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. In her spare time, she writes about decluttering and organizing on the Aliwalas blog.