Going zero waste might sound inconvenient and intimidating—and frankly, it is. It requires thought, commitment, and a burning determination to be socially responsible. But while the admirable work of expert zero-wasters is something to behold, we beginners don’t have to go vegan and start composting all our garbage right off the bat to be committed to the Earth’s well-being.
This is where building our own zero-waste kits can come in. Having certain tools can help us create less unrecyclable trash, as well as less demand for it. Building our own kits not only helps us to be more mindful of the effects of our consumption, it also allows us to exercise our creativity and resourcefulness in our everyday dealings.
Carefully choosing the right tools can help motivate our efforts to live in a more sustainable and eco-friendly way. Unsure where to start? Here are a few zero-waste kit essentials to keep an eye out for:
- Cup or canteen (collapsible or portable in size)
- Food container (collapsible or portable in size)
- Utensils (bamboo or stainless steel)
- Straw kit (glass or stainless steel)
- Reusable eco bags (foldable)
- A list of zero-waste friendly establishments (e.g. restaurants, stores)
Going zero waste requires thought, commitment, and a burning determination to be socially responsible.
Buy only as needed
As tempting as it might be to go on a zero-waste shopping spree, don’t hurry to buy every item. Slow, intentional shopping isn’t just good for your wallet; it’s good for the environment. No need to discard low-quality impulse buys, when every purchase you make is a well-considered one.
Use what you have
If you have an abundance of silverware, microwaveable containers, and reusable bags at home, hold off buying new items for your zero-waste stash. It’s always best to use what you have on hand, instead of creating even greater demand for commercial products.
Always be ready
All our efforts to build a zero-waste kit will be for nothing if we forget to bring our kits with us in the first place. Make sure to reserve a space in your daily bag, so you’ll never leave home without it. You’re never quite sure when you’ll need your zero-waste kit next.
While building your own kit seems like a relatively trite thing to do for the environment, every small effort still matters—especially when you’re dedicated to making small efforts every single day.
Remember, doing something little by little is still better than doing nothing at all just because you can’t do it perfectly (or as well as that Instagram blogger). We don’t need to be a perfect zero-wasters to make a difference. We just need the readiness to make a change.