Store Your Things Like A Pro

Store Your Things Like A Pro

Storing things seems like a pretty straightforward task. (Step 1, get a container. Step 2, put stuff in it.) In fact, indiscriminately stashing things away into an all-purpose plastic bin is how a lot of us keep our households free from the physical debris of stuff. But there must be a better way to store our possessions—otherwise we wouldn’t own so many organizational units yet feel more overwhelmed by clutter than ever before…right?

Thankfully, storing things isn’t exactly rocket science. We don’t have to forget where we put what. We don’t have to lose things to the black hole of the ubiquitous “all-purpose” plastic bin. (I’m sure we all know what I’m talking about.) That said, here are a few simple guidelines we can keep in mind when storing things away.

Clear out the clutter first

If there’s anything you must take away from this article, it’s this: don’t store your clutter. Should you come across items you no longer need or plan to use, take the opportunity to get them out of your space. Sell, donate, or recycle the unwanted items right off the bat, so they don’t have to take up precious real estate in your home. Storing your clutter may give you temporary relief from visible clutter, but making a habit of hiding your clutter can cause you more distress in the long run.

Categorize and corral your items

Finished clearing out the clutter? Don’t run to the nearest container store just yet. Blindly shopping for new organizational units almost always leads to a waste of money. Categorize and gather similar items together first. Knowing what and how much you need to store is key to creating a good organizational system. 

Make sure to give your categories some thought, though. Categories that are too broad  will often attract random items and turn storage containers into junk receptacles (the label “miscellaneous” rarely ever means anything), while categories that are too specific usually end up ignored and don’t actually require a separate storage category to begin with (do we truly need to arrange our rubber bands by color like a gradient?). Intuitive categories, ones that you can identify without a written label, are the easiest to maintain.

Oh, and try your best to keep duplicate categories to a minimum. No one should have to check 3 different areas to find a single item. It’s just not fun.

Choose the right kind of storage

Not everything can or should be placed in a plastic bin or balikbayan box, so it’s best to be aware of the array of storage options we have available to us. Selecting the right kind of storage can greatly aid you in maintaining an organized home. Browse the options below to see how certain types of storage can benefit your efficiency and atmosphere of your home.

  • Built in storage—there’s no need to buy a new container, if you have an empty drawer.
  • Open shelving for quick and convenient access.
  • Vertical storage for small, confined spaces like condos and closets.
  • Transparent storage for display or easy reference (think collector’s items or dishware).
  • Opaque storage for keeping visual clutter to a minimum.
  • Bowls/plates/hooks/cups for keeping small accessories together.
  • Shoeboxes or used jars for something more budget-friendly.

And the list goes on. Let us know what other storage options make your life easier and less stressful, in the comments below!

(Related Post: Quit Organizing Your Clutter)

Patricia Tancongco

Trisha is an organizing consultant and graphic designer based in Metro Manila, Philippines. In her spare time, she writes about decluttering and organizing on the Aliwalas blog.